Exemple de lettre de motivation en anglais + traductions
Exemple de lettre de motivation en anglais + traductions

Pourquoi écrire une lettre de motivation en anglais pour une licence LLCER?

Si vous envisagez de poursuivre une licence en langues, littératures et civilisations étrangères et régionales (LLCER), il est important de savoir que la plupart des universités françaises exigent une lettre de motivation en anglais. La raison en est simple: la plupart des cours sont dispensés en anglais et la plupart des universités étrangères exigent également des candidats une lettre de motivation en anglais. Il est donc important d’écrire une lettre de motivation en anglais qui soit claire, concise et convaincante.

Comment écrire une lettre de motivation en anglais pour une licence LLCER?

Pour écrire une lettre de motivation en anglais pour une licence LLCER, il est important de suivre ces étapes:

  • Commencez par une introduction forte qui attire l’attention du lecteur et explique pourquoi vous êtes intéressé par la licence LLCER.
  • Expliquez vos qualifications et vos compétences. Assurez-vous de souligner ce qui vous distingue des autres candidats.
  • Décrivez votre expérience professionnelle ou universitaire pertinente. Cela peut inclure des stages, des projets de recherche ou des travaux antérieurs.
  • Expliquez pourquoi vous êtes intéressé à poursuivre une licence LLCER dans cette université spécifique.
  • Terminez en remerciant le lecteur pour son temps et en exprimant votre enthousiasme à l’idée de rejoindre la faculté de LLCER de l’université.

Exemple 1:

Dear Admissions Committee,

I am writing to express my strong interest in the LLCER program at your esteemed university. As a student who has always had a passion for languages and cultures, I am convinced that this program will provide me with the intellectual stimulation and academic challenge that I need to excel in my chosen field.

My qualifications include a Bachelor’s degree in French literature and a Master’s degree in linguistics. I have also completed several internships in translation and interpretation, which have given me practical experience in the field. In addition, I have studied abroad in France and Spain, which has allowed me to improve my language skills and to immerse myself in different cultures.

I am particularly impressed by the interdisciplinary nature of your LLCER program, which combines language study with cultural and historical analysis. I am excited about the prospect of working with renowned scholars in the field and contributing to the vibrant intellectual community at your university.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the LLCER program and to further my academic and professional goals.


John Doe

Exemple 2:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to apply for admission to the LLCER program at your prestigious university. As a student who has always been fascinated by the rich cultural heritage of Europe, I am eager to pursue advanced studies in this field and to contribute to the academic community at your institution.

My qualifications include a Bachelor’s degree in history and a Master’s degree in European studies. I have also completed several research projects on the cultural and political history of Europe, which have given me a solid foundation in the field. In addition, I have studied abroad in Germany and Italy, which has allowed me to improve my language skills and to gain a deeper understanding of different cultures and societies.

I am particularly impressed by the global perspective of your LLCER program, which emphasizes the study of Europe in a wider context. I am excited about the prospect of working with renowned scholars in the field and contributing to the vibrant intellectual community at your university.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to pursue my academic and professional goals through the LLCER program at your institution.


Jane Smith